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  • Specializing in all facets of landscape design, Cape Land Design, LLC will create a beautiful outdoor space for your property. 

  • Beginning with the site consult, we will discuss property needs and client desires for the landscape

  • Professional 'Existing Conditions' plans to be obtained by surveyor/engineer firms

  • Based on the existing conditions and site consult, we will build a concept plan displaying your desired landscape features

  • Along with our clients, we review landscape products and hardscape materials to be implemented in the landscape design

  • Further development of Site Materials, Planting, and Lighting plans will complete your plan set layout

  • Preliminary bid comparisons to be collected from landscape construction professionals

  • Bid reviews with client to help select the most proficient professional to install the landscape

  • We will hand select plant materials at various nurseries to obtain the best product for our clients

  • On-site overview of the landscape installation and project progress via site visits

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